Promoting health and wellbeing in the workplace can be a tricky task. Aside from getting staff to actually use their gym memberships, leaders are increasingly aware of the psychosocial risks encountered in the world of work. With an ageing population and continued economic uncertainty, real attention should be paid to establishing programmes which can help people across an organisation, from frontline employees to the most senior executives. [read more]
Talk of embedding sustainability into business strategy is all well and good, but executing on that is an altogether harder proposition. The corporates that lead the way adopt a longer-term approach to doing business, discussing issues such as human rights, the environment, labour and anti-corruption when making decisions. As a result, sustainable thinking is ingrained in the plans, policies and procedures of the organisation. [read more]
Would you accept a role as a non-executive director that required you to work for 120 to 140 days a year? Thought not. And yet one of the UK’s major financial institutions is apparently scouring CVs and conducting interviews in the hope that somebody will make that kind of commitment. It’s another example of the ever-increasing demands put on independent directors today. [read more]
While developing a robust approach to risk may begin with the board, it’s up to the CEO and senior executive team to lead by example so that policies and behaviours are both consistent and joined-up. Unfortunately, this is something that many organisations struggle to get right, which results in a disturbing lack of clarity about how to report on and effectively manage the multiple risks every business faces. [read more]
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