Galvanising Your Stakeholders as CEO
COVID-19 is the black swan event that has rendered myriad algorithms on human behaviour irrelevant. As we head into recession, the pressure is building on CEOs and senior executives to understand how customer and employee expectations have changed. At the same time, investors and shareholders want answers on future business performance. (read more)
COVID-19 and the Return to Work
If there is one thing that recent government announcements have shown, it is the absolute necessity for clarity when disseminating information during a crisis. Businesses are facing this challenge as they seek to navigate a successful course through the COVID-19 pandemic, while keeping their workforces informed, onside and healthy. (read more)
The Board’s Role in Crisis & Recovery
Amid a changed world of remote Board meetings and virtual AGMs, Chairs are placing a second, steady hand on the tiller of many businesses. It’s a tricky balance of offering support on operational and strategic matters while demonstrating empathy with executives – all without letting loose the crucial anchor of governance. (read more)
Time to be Brave, Bold and Vulnerable
As many countries move closer towards the easing of lockdown measures, business leaders are assessing how the commercial landscape has changed and what this means for their operating models over the next 12 to 18 months. (read more)