Unlocking Corporate Entrepreneurship

While the notion of ‘corporate entrepreneurship’ will always be an oxymoron to some, there can be no doubting the need for large organisations to stay competitive by encouraging new ideas to flow. External partnerships, skunkworks and, from a leadership perspective, developing a culture which can challenge the established order, are all essential if employees are going to push boundaries. (read more)
Bringing Talent to the Boardroom

People and performance will be at the heart of any healthy boardroom debate. It’s one of the reasons why the Human Resources Director has such a vital role to play, as they can use their knowledge to provide insights about talent across an organisation. Without the voice of a strong HRD, businesses are going to struggle with the big questions posed by technology, changing demographics and globalisation. (read more)
Unconscious Bias: The Enemy Within

Unconscious bias reinforces the inequalities that exist in organisations. From the wording of a job advert to choosing who gets a promotion or big project to manage, the opportunities for people to progress can be dramatically restricted due to unwitting assumptions. If senior executives are committed to creating diverse workforces, then steps need to be taken to increase awareness levels of the psychological shorthand individuals use to define others. (read more)
The Emotionally Intelligent CEO

Losing touch with employees, customers and other stakeholders remains a serious problem for businesses. It’s one of the reasons why emotional intelligence (EQ) is increasingly looked for in the leadership skill-set of CEOs and senior executives today. An ability to listen, empathise and relate to others can make a world of difference when trying to build an organisation which is successful in the long term. (read more)