The Social Enterprise Revolution - 15 December 2010
To date there have been three major reorganisations of society – the Agricultural, the Industrial, and the IT and Digital Revolution. Each fundamentally changed the way society operates. We may now be on the cusp of another revolution which may require a societal and technological adjustment equivalent to that of the Renaissance. (read more)
Will London ever rival Silicon Valley? - 08 December 2010
The UK government recently stated its intention for London's East End to be transformed into a world-leading technology centre to rival Silicon Valley. But, while ‘Silicon Roundabout’ can draw strength from recent start-up successes such as Betfair, and Skype, will Britain ever be able to produce the next Facebook, Google or Apple - which last month announced quarterly profits of $4.3?billion? Hot on the heels of Global Entrepreneur Week, Criticaleye asked its Community of Members for their views on how London might one day be able to rival Silicon Valley. (read more)
The Role of Business in the Skills Agenda - 01 December 2010
One of the most critical long-term drivers of a nation’s economic success is the skills possessed by its workforce. Thus, the challenge of building the right skills has always been one of the top strategic priorities for governments everywhere. Shouldn’t it therefore also be a top priority for businesses? (read more)