Winning Ways for Fast Growth
Clarity, capital and communication are the three key elements when seeking to grow a business quickly. Trailblazing entrepreneurs tend to have no problem when it comes to chasing a vision for their business, but often they struggle over finance and bringing in people who can really drive growth. (read more)
Joint Ventures: The Agony and Ecstasy
Optimism is the lifeblood of driving a business into a new territory. But when forming a partnership through a joint venture, a healthy dose of cynicism is required as no one wants to be locked into an agreement where targets are missed and a supposed partner is manoeuvring to your disadvantage behind the scenes. (read more)
The Truth About Business Banking
It’s clear that banks are going to have to redefine what they mean by ‘relationship banking’ if they are to win back the confidence of business leaders. The smart financial institutions recognise this and are trying to reorganise in order to provide a less bureaucratic, process-driven service to businesses, although the operational challenges of meeting this demand are huge. (read more)
CEOs and the X Factor
While the days of the dogmatic, cigar-chomping boss who rules with an iron fist are fading fast, particularly within global businesses, the current notion of a new breed of CEO as a ‘steward’ or some sort of woolly, ultra-understanding go-between and mediator plainly doesn’t do the role justice. (read more)