Community Profile
Maria Tereza Leme Fleury
DeanFundação Getulio Vargas (FGV), Brazil
Maria Tereza is the Dean of Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo da Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV-EAESP).
She has previously been Dean and Vice-Dean of FEA/USP (1998-2006), is a visiting scholar at IFM - University of Cambridge, IDS University of Sussex, IDE, Tokyo, and a visiting professor at ESSEC in France.
She served as a member of the advisory board of CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - Brazil) and at present is the Director of ANPAD (Brazilian Academy of Management), of FAPESP Coordination (São Paulo Research Foundation), of the EUROMED Research Council, France, of the FIA Council (Fundação Instituto de Administração – USP), of the Council of the Medicine School Foundation (Conselho da Fundação da Faculdade de Medicina), of the Editorial Board of RAUSP and of the International Journal of Human Resources. She holds research scholarships from CNPq and FAPESP.
Maria Tereza's research and professional experience have been in the area of Business Administration: International Management, Competency Management and Culture and Learning.
Areas of Interest
- International Management
- Brazilian Multinationals
- Competency Management