Community Update

Criticaleye's Community Updates are read each week by Members, registered users, and subscribers globally. Click on any of the topics below to see the corresponding newsletter. If you would like to comment further on any of these topics, write to us via

Looking Back on 2014

When reflecting on some of the central themes to be discussed by Criticaleye Members over the past year, be it digital, the changing consumer, an ageing population, innovation or culture change, it’s abundantly clear that successful senior executive teams understand the need to be collaborative, curious and open to new ideas and insights. How else can they be expected to navigate complex and fast-changing global markets? (read more)
Why the Internet of Things Means Business

If the Internet of Things (IoT) achieves the scale many experts are predicting, the changes will be far reaching. From how energy is used, to simply going to the fridge for a snack, the widespread adoption of sensors to connect machines so they can, in effect, ‘talk’ to one another has the potential to transform the delivery and capability of products and services. (read more)
Traditional Service for a Digital World

Many businesses are losing customers because they’ve forgotten some of the long-established principles of good service. Now it’s a case of going back to basics, while coming to terms with what has really changed – the speed at which customers want things done and their assumption that it will be delivered in a way that is tailored to their needs, regardless of channel. (read more)
Coming Back from the Brink

Cool heads are required to reverse the fortunes of a business that has fallen on hard times. The priority for anybody coming in will be to stabilise the company by examining the balance sheet and communicating with all of the relevant stakeholders. After that, it’s a case of implementing a plan for recovery which has both internal and external buy-in. (read more)